You will indicate on your Note Taker Agreement that you would like to receive the
Once you have submitted your Note Taker Agreement, you will:
- Be confirmed for this position through an email from us.
- Be expected to start submitting notes right away.
You must then go to Student Employment to determine what paperwork is needed to be
hired as a note taker.
Student Employment can explain what documents are required. This paperwork needs to
be completed within two weeks of signing up to be a note taker.
Once Student Employment has processed your paperwork, both you and our staff will
receive an email notification approving you to receive the stipend for providing your
Since you must take notes throughout the duration of the semester/ term in order to
be eligible for the compensation, the stipends will not be generated until the end
of that semester or term.
You will be notified when your stipend check can be picked up at the Student Payroll
office. If you submitted direct deposit forms to Student Employment, you should receive
the stipend through those means.
Any Cal Lutheran staff or faculty who serve as a notetaker will not be eligible to
receive a stipend. Only a certificate of thanks for community service could be available.
Student workers on campus are eligible for the stipend.