DSS Forms & Resources

Accommodation Requests for DSS Students


Testing Accommodations

In order to utilize your approved testing accommodations, DSS students must submit a Testing Request for every exam/quiz testing accommodations are needed at least 1 week (7 days) before the in-class exam date, regardless if DSS is needed for proctoring. DSS is able to provide in-person proctoring for DSS students with approved testing accommodations. DSS will not be providing virtual proctoring except in rare circumstances determined by the DSS office. Be sure to check your CLU email for any updates or announcements regarding testing. Please review the following points:

  • The DSS student must review and agree to DSS’ guidelines for in-person proctoring. These guidelines will also be sent to the student’s CLU email for each Testing Request submitted and the DSS student must respond to confirm their agreement.
  • If the DSS student is ill and/or experiencing symptoms related to illness, they must notify DSS immediately by email or phone to cancel their in-person proctoring session. DSS will work with the student to reschedule their exam. For our policy on proctoring sick students, click here.
  • If an exam is to be administered via Canvas/other testing platform, the faculty member will be required to set up the extended test time accommodation parameters in the testing platform as DSS does not have access to set those parameters. Make sure to speak with your faculty member to ensure Canvas parameters have been set up correctly.

For testing instructions and resources, please review the links below:

Finals Testing Request Deadline: 

Friday, November 15, 2024 by 5:00pm. 

Foreign Language Placement Exams

Foreign Language Placement Exams are taken to assess a student's level of proficiency in a foreign language to determine the appropriate level for placement and/or proficiency of a foreign language.


Books in Alternative Format

Effective Friday, August 14, 2020, as part of requesting Books in Alternative Format, DSS students will only be able to submit Books in Alternative Format Requests (now known as “Alternative Format”) within Accommodate. Students will log in to Accommodate to submit an Alternative Format request and also upload proof of purchase to this request. Please review the instructions below on how to submit an Alternative Format Request. Once a student submits an Alternative Format Request, DSS will receive notification of the submission. Please note proof of purchase and semester/term activation are required to fully process each request.

For alternative format instructions and resources, please review the links below:


Notetaking Accommodation Request 

Note taking requests are submitted through Accommodate. When you activate through Accommodate, if note taking is one of your approved accommodations, you will see an Accessibility Accommodation Request titled  "Classroom Accommodations/Note Taking Services."  Be sure the course or courses you would like to request a note taker for are "checked off!"  After you submit your Semester Activation through Accommodate and after it is reviewed by DSS, a note taker request(s) will be submitted on your behalf for any course which is checked off. 

For instructions on retriving your uploaded notes from Accommodate, please review the links below:

If you add/ drop a class after you have already activated for the current semester/ term, you need to email DSSnotes@CalLutheran.edu to let us know of the changes.  And, if you decide that you no longer need a note taker for a specific class, contact our office so we can cancel that specific request.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 805-493-3464 or dssnotes@CalLutheran.edu


Registering with DSS


Scholarship Opportunities

Office of Civil Rights

This website comes from the U.S. Department of Education. It helps educate students with disabilities transitioning into college about their rights, their responsibilities, and general services provided at an institution. There is a thorough section with responses to the questions typically asked by students with disabilities as they head into college.

