Art on Earth: The Installation Art of Andy Goldsworthy
Speaker: Michael Pearce, Ph.D., MFA
Copyright Issues for the Artist
Speaker: Timothy Hengst, M.A.
Interpreting Icons (Illus.)
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.
Irreligious Art
Speaker: Jonathan Cordero, Ph.D.
Magic Circles and Artificial Caves: The Stone Circles and Chambered Mounds of Neolithic Britain
Speaker: Michael Pearce, Ph.D., MFA
Martin Luther and the Arts
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.
Medical Art in Health Education
Speaker: Timothy Hengst, M.A.
Medical Prosthetics
Speaker: Timothy Hengst, M.A.
Ophelia's Bouquets: Herbs in Hamlet
Speaker: Michael Pearce, Ph.D., MFA
Stave Churches: Scandinavia's Remarkable Contribution to World Art (Illus.)
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.
The Arts in Your Church
Speaker: Patricia McKee, Ph.D.
The Earliest Christian Art (Illus.)
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.
The Wonderous Sea-Steeds of the Vikings (Illus.)
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.
Those Mysterious Rune Stones (Illus.)
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.
What are you looking at? The Invention of the Museum and Why We Like to Look at Things
Speaker: Michael Pearce, Ph.D., MFA
When Sky Became Flowers and Jonah A Swede: The Unique Wall Paintings of Rural Sweden (Illus.)
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.