Timothy Hengst, M.A.
Professor of Multimedia and Chair of the Art Department
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Email: thengst@callutheran.edu
Phone: (805) 493-3241
Copyright Issues for the Artist
Medical Art in Health Education
Medical Prosthetics
Timothy C. Hengst is a professor in the Multimedia Program and the Department Chair of the Art Department.
After receiving his graduate degree in medical and biological illustration from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, he illustrated for Dr. Denton Colley at the Texas Heart Institute and served as Director of Photography and Audiovisual Communications. He joined the faculty in the graduate program at Johns Hopkins and served as production manager in the graphics and illustration division and assistant professor in the graduate program.
He began a freelance business in 1986 offering services in all areas of biomedical communications. He has illustrated more than 50 medical textbooks and has won numerous national awards in medical illustration, including three Best Illustrated Medical Text awards from the Association of Medical Illustrators.
He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Medical Illustrators in 2013. He has also worked as consultant for a commercial multimedia firm.
In addition to medical illustration, he produces digital fine art using original photography and Adobe Photoshop. He has exhibited in numerous regional art shows.