Baseball: The International Game
Speaker: Chris Kimball, Ph.D.
Beer, Bread and Beguines!: 2000 Years of Women in Business
Speaker: Michaela Reaves, Ph.D.
Five Things You Can Learn about America from Baseball History
Speaker: Chris Kimball, Ph.D.
Meet Amelia Earhart - My Cousin (Illus.)
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.
Mexican Civilization and Culture
Speaker: Eva Ramirez, Ph.D.
Padres, Pearls, and Pumpions: Spanish Influence on the Atlantic Seaboard.
Speaker: Michaela Reaves, Ph.D.
Rumors, Innuendo and the Presidency
Speaker: Michaela Reaves, Ph.D.
Salem: Was it Witchcraft?
Speaker: Michaela Reaves, Ph.D.
So Much More Than Thanksgiving!
Speaker: Michaela Reaves, Ph.D.
The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Speaker: Sam Thomas, Ph.D.
The Cold War: A Retrospective
Speaker: Michaela Reaves, Ph.D.
The History of CLU: 50 Years of Academic Excellence
Speaker: Chris Kimball, Ph.D.
The Vikings: What Did They Look Like? The Literary and Archaeological Evidence (Illus.)
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.
The Way We Were: Betsy McCall and the Cold War
Speaker: Michaela Reaves, Ph.D.
The Wonderous Sea-Steeds of the Vikings (Illus.)
Speaker: Ernst Tonsing, Ph.D.
What is the Bible? A Material History of the Text
Speaker: Sam Thomas, Ph.D.
Women in the West
Speaker: Michaela Reaves, Ph.D.