Find part-time employment on campus

Why Work on Campus?

Working on campus for 10-15 hours per week between classes or on the weekend can add a new dimension to the college experience. Work-Study gives you an opportunity to help pay for college costs, build your resume, hone your time management skills, and find mentors.

9 out of 10 students

felt their position helped prepare them to work in a professional setting to some degree


Benefits of Working on Campus

  1. Job Experience
    Work-study jobs are valuable for career planning. The job experience can distinguish a future employment application from other job seekers. Also, an employer may be used as a reference for future jobs or graduate school applications since they can attest to your ability to work hard and be responsible.
  2. Money
    Payment of work-study funds happen regularly based on hours worked. Many students use work-study wages for educational or living expenses.
  3. Great Location
    Having a job right on campus saves time, gas, and can be a bit more flexible with your schedule since they understand how much you really have going on!
  4. Improved Time Management
    Researchers have reported that working 20 hours or less strengthens academic performance. Also, student workers tend to be retained at a higher rate than students who did not work on campus.
  5. Gaining a Mentor/Professional Reference/Letter Writer
    Building strong relationships with staff and faculty on campus can last a lifetime, Or it can last long enough to get you that letter of recommendation or reference you need for your next job or even graduate school. You need people who can act as a reference or write a letter of recommendation, and working on campus makes this easy. If it's not your direct supervisor it can be other staff members you connected with. 
Top Areas of Improvement

Based on campus surveys, students reported an improvement in the following areas of career readines and learning outcomes.

Communication Skills (90%)

Effective communication skills pertain to active listening and clear expression, allowing you to connect with others and achieve your goals. Mastering the art of communication unlocks a world of possibilities, fostering strong relationships and enabling you to navigate any situation with grace and confidence.

Interpersonal and Teamwork Skills (87%)

Teamwork skills are essential for success in any organization, allowing you to collaborate effectively with others to achieve common goals. From brainstorming ideas to tackling complex challenges, strong teamwork skills are key to unlocking your full potential and maximizing collective impact. 

Principled Leadership (81%)

Leadership is the art of inspiring and motivating others to achieve a shared vision, fueled by empathy, integrity, and a commitment to collective success. Effective leadership requires navigating change with resilience, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and development for both the leader and the team.

Creative and Critical Thinking (86%)

Creative thinking involves generating new ideas and possibilities, while critical thinking involves evaluating and analyzing those ideas. While creative thinking breaks boundaries and explores new horizons, critical thinking provides the structure and discipline to refine and implement those ideas effectively.

Informational Literacy (84%)

Informational literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, use, and communicate information effectively. In today's information-rich world, informational literacy is essential for success in school, work, and life.

Identity and Values (78%)

Identity and values are deeply intertwined and play a crucial role in shaping our sense of self and our actions in the world. Understanding one's values helps individuals make decisions that align with their core principles, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Quantitative Literacy (69%)

Quantitative literacy is the ability to comprehend, interpret, and communicate numerical information effectively. In an increasingly data-driven world, quantitative literacy empowers individuals to make informed decisions.



Statistics on Student Employment at Cal Lutheran

  • Student Employment Graph for Retention

    95% of first-year students who participate in student employment are retained into their second year.

  • 81% of students who participate in student employment graduate within four years.

  • Students who participate in student employment have a 34% higher graduation ratethan students who do not participate in student employment.

Source: Institutional data, 2016-2020
