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Latinos may be the key to future US economic growth

Our Center for Economic Research and Forecasting continues to make us incredibly proud. Executive Director Matthew Fienup and Director of Forecasting, Dan Hamilton, have worked tirelessly over the last few weeks and months and on September 26, its 2019 report on the contribution of the Latino community to the US economy was presented at L'Attitude, one of the biggest events of its kind in the nation. Among many other interesting facts, the report and a "Fast Facts" overview, which are available from the Latino Donor Collaborative's website, concludes that US growth heavily depends on Latino contributions. If the U.S. Latino population of the US were an independent economy, its gross domestic product would make it the 8th largest country in the world, and it would be the fastest-growing among the world’s developed economies. The news of the report drew nationwide attention and it was picked up by many news outlets around the country (see list below), including CNBC in "Latinos may be the key to future US economic growth, study argues" and the Wall Street Journal in "Latino Workers Save America From Stagnation". The photo shows Matthew Fienup with, William Lewis (CEO, Dow Jones Company) and Sol Trujillo (Co-Founder of the Latino Donor Collaborative).

