Outdoor Soccer
7-on-7 Outdoor Soccer will be played Thursday evenings at 7:30pm in Rolland Stadium.
Co-ed teams must have at least 2 of each gender on the field. Each game consists of
20-minute halves with running clocks.
Join the league!
- Registration Ends: 2/11
- Season Starts: 2/15
- When: Thursday evenings
- Where: Rolland Stadium
Check IMLeagues for the upcoming game schedule.
Outdoor Soccer
Rules & Regulations
All participants must be aware and understand the General Intramural Sports Rules and abide by the Intramural Sports Code of Conduct. Captains have the responsibility of making sure that all of the members of their team understand the General Rules, the sport specific rules, and the Code of Conduct. We encourage teams to have a team meeting before play starts.
General Information
- Rosters can have a maximum of 16 members.
- Outdoor is 7 on 7 with at least two members of each gender on the field at all times, a team may begin play with a minimum of 6 players as long as they still have at least one member of each gender participating.
- Cal Lutheran NCAA Athletes cannot play in the same Intramural Sports (ex. IM Soccer) as their Cal Lutheran NCAA Sport (NCAA Soccer); unless their Cal Lutheran NCAA athletic eligibility is done (Seniors or players who have finished their last NCAA season and have no more NCAA eligibility). Please view NCAA Eligibility for more information and appropriate forms.
- Matches are played in 2 20-minute halves, with 5 minutes for half time. The clock will run continuously except for a referee's time-out (Injuries stop play).
- Stoppage time is determined by the official
- There are no timeouts, except for injuries.
- Overtime: During the regular season, there will be no overtime or penalty kicks for games ending in ties. During the play-offs, the following system will be used. If after regulation time the game is tied, 5-minute golden goal overtime will be played. The referee will perform a coin toss with each captain to decide which team will start with the ball. The first goal that is scored wins. If the game is still tied, each team will take 5 penalty kicks alternately (note - the only players allowed to take penalty kicks are those who were on the field when the overtime period ended). The first penalty has to be taken by a female. If each team makes the same number of penalty kicks, then alternating sudden death penalty kicks will be taken. In all of these cases the player may only kick the ball once from the designated spot, and no rebound from the goalie will be considered live.
Equipment Information
- No metal cleats allowed.
- No jewelry
- No hats with hard bills
- No hard casts
Before the Game
Teams must report to the IM Student Coordinator 15 minutes before the start of their game in order to check-in, check id’s, and give their team roster. The captains of each team will participate in rock-paper-scissors. Player must have their ID cards in order to participate.
During the Game
- At the beginning of the game, it is important to remember that the ball must be kicked FORWARD at least one revolution and that the kicker cannot touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player (on either side). At the kickoff, the opposing team must remain 10 feet from the ball until it is kicked for the first time. If the game is temporarily suspended for any reason, the game will be started by the referee dropping the ball where play was suspended, if neither team has possession. During a drop ball situation, no player may touch the ball until it has touched the ground. In the event that play is suspended in the penalty area, the ball will be dropped at the nearest point outside the penalty area on one of the sides near the baseline. Once the referee has given the signal, the game will begin with a player kicking the ball in any direction. The kicker cannot touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player, otherwise, a free kick will be awarded to the opposing team.
- All kicks are indirect kicks (except for penalty kicks).
- There is no offside rule.
- The goalie can punt, throw or kick in outdoor.
- Free substitutions during the game will be allowed. A substitute may not go onto the field until a player goes off of the field. Players must enter and exit at the same spot. When the ball is in play, the keeper can only be replaced by a player that is not on the field at that time; goalie changes can be made at any time when there is a stop in play.
- Scoring: A goal is scored when the whole of the ball has passed over the goal line, between the goalpost, and under the crossbar, provided that it has not been thrown or carried by a player of the attacking side. Own goals scored are one point. One point will be awarded to the team.
Goalie Rules
- The goalie may not be charged or obstructed. The penalty for charging or obstructing the goalie is a free kick awarded to the other team and a caution to the offending player. If a collision occurs that is violent in nature, the player will be ejected from the game by the referee.
- The goalie only gets one possession. If s/he has the ball and puts it down, the ball must be cleared outside of the penalty area before s/he can pick up the ball again. Once s/he puts the ball down s/he is considered a field player. If the goalie uses two possessions, and direct free kick will result at the spot of the second possession.
- If a defending team passes back to their goalkeeper to avoid pressure or for any other reason that goalkeeper can only play the ball with their feet. The only exception is if a defending team heads the ball back or the ball is deflected off the defender. Otherwise the infraction will result in a direct free kick from the spot of the foul.
Penalty Kick
- When one of the fouls that normally are punished by a direct free kick is committed in the penalty area, a penalty kick is awarded.
- A penalty kick is taken from the penalty mark.
- The player who is taking the kick has to start within the large circle. All players, with the exception of the player taking the kick and the opposing goalie, shall be within the field of play but outside of the penalty area, and at least 10 feet from the ball and also be behind the ball.
- The opposing goalie must stand without moving his/her feet between his/her own goalpost, so that both feet are on his/her goal line, until the ball is kicked.
- The player taking the kick must kick the ball forward, and may only kick the ball once. If the ball rebounds from the goalie's body or goal post, the player may kick the ball again. The ball must first touch another player or the goalie before the original kicker may touch the ball.
- There is zero tolerance for unsportsmanlike conduct (trash talk, verbal abuse, rough play (charging/slide tackling), damaging equipment/property); yellow/red cards will be given depending on severity.
- Yellow Cards:
- Kicking
- Tripping
- Charging
- Striking
- Holding
- Pushing
- Intentional Handball
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct
- Automatic Red Cards. A red card will result in the immediate ejection of the player for the remainder of the game, and suspension from the team's next contest. No substitutions will be allowed for the disqualified player. A player may receive a red card without having received a yellow card. The decision is up to the discretion of the Referee. Participation in any intramural activity until he/she meets with Brett Billet, Intramural Coordinator, will be prohibited.
- There is absolutely no slide tackling, incidentally may only result in yellow, anything seemingly malicious will result in automatic red.
- Purposely kicking the ball at a player with the intent to injure.
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
If a player receives four yellow cards during the season it will equal one red card and a one game suspension. If a player received two red cards during the season it will result in expulsion from the league.