Theme 3: Distinctive Impact

To expand Cal Lutheran's impact we will create a more distinctive and compelling brand story that bolsters student recruitment, philanthropy, and community engagement. As donors and alumni become a more prominent part of the Cal Lutheran network, they will be able to aid the university in becoming a partner of choice for So Cal businesses, non-profit agencies, environmental organizations, religious institutions, and more.

Icon of flags  Strategic Partnerships

1. Academic and cocurricular programs and partnerships

Identify and develop internal and external partnerships that offer students real-world learning opportunities that raise the profile of Cal Lutheran. These include the following: internships, graduate assistants, clinical service, student employment, guided or community-based research, service-learning, etc.

Initiative Owner: Sommer Barwick

2. Corporate, community, and government partnerships

Identify partnerships that need to be created and strengthened in an effort to actualize the mission of the university.

Initiative Owner: Sommer Barwick

Icon of clipboard  A Focus on Fundraising

3. A data-driven fundraising campaign that aligns donor interests with University priorities

Conduct a data-driven fundraising campaign that garners the financial support necessary to actualize the 2022-27 Strategic Plan and make good progress on the corollary Master Plan.

Initiative Owner: Regina Biddings-Muro

4. A spirit of philanthropy

Promote and reward a philanthropic spirit that inspires those at various levels of the enterprise and the many communities that touch it (alumni, local neighbors, ELCA churches, etc.) to contribute time, talent, and/or treasure to the university. and

Initiative Owner:Regina Biddings-Muro and Michelle Spurgeon

Icon of megaphone  Purposeful Communications

5. Develop and implement an internal communication framework

Create guidelines that clarify and improve the processes for distributing messages to internal audiences. Identify communication channels, supported tools, branding and templates, distribution calendars, and training materials. Apply these guidelines and standards to external communications when relevant.

6. Create a brand ambassador program to extend the reach and influence of Cal Lutheran’s brand

Identify students, alumni, staff and faculty who are willing to serve as brand ambassadors to share news, events, and participation opportunities with their own networks. Equip them with Cal Lutheran apparel and other branded merchandise to help generate brand awareness and conversation.

Icon of gumby  Brand and Mission Alignment

7. Refresh the university’s institutional positioning and brand platform

Understand where Cal Lutheran’s market position is relative to the competitive set, and how the university’s mission, Lutheran tradition, and HSI identity form a distinctive value proposition that can be communicated through a refreshed brand promise.

8. Academic and co-curricular differentiators

Identify new academic programs that will help to grow enrollment. Strengthen existing programs that are identified for growth. Amongst those programs, determine which serve as Cal Lutheran differentiators. Identify the top co-curricular programs such as clubs, activities, arts, and athletics that help to grow enrollment and/or meet the needs of today’s students.

Initiative Owner: Taiwo Ande
