Security Awareness Programs

At the beginning of fall semester students are informed of services offered by Campus Safety. Informational pamphlets and presentations outline ways to maintain personal safety and residence hall security. Students are informed of crime on campus and those neighborhoods surrounding campus. Similar information is conveyed to new employees at employee orientation. Crime Prevention and Sexual Assault prevention programs are offered on a yearly basis.

Periodically and as needed during the academic year, Residence Life or Campus Safety in cooperation with other campus organizations and departments present crime prevention awareness sessions on sexual assault (rape and acquaintance rape), Rohypnol abuse, theft and vandalism, and residence hall security.

A common theme of all awareness and crime prevention programs is to encourage students and employees to be aware of their responsibility for their own safety as well as the safety of others.

In addition to seminars, information is disseminated to students and employees through crime prevention awareness pamphlets, security alert posters, and articles and/or advertisements in The Echo, the student newspaper.

When time is of the essence, information is released to the University community through security alerts posted electronically on the campus e-mail system. If necessary, security alerts are also posted in residence halls, Pearson Library, Student Union, Centrum, cafeteria and fitness center.
