College of Arts & Sciences

Research Opportunities

Are you interested in research? There are a few ways you can get involved: 

Participate in a Study!

Participation is vitally important to research. Without participants we wouldn’t be able to conduct our studies. Participation in research is one of the easiest and most helpful ways to get involved with research. 

How to Participate in a Study:

We use an online system to schedule participants for our studies. Faculty and their research teams, along with students in research methods classes, are using this system to organize participants.

If you are in a class that requires or encourages research participation, go to this website: https://callutheran.sona-systems.comClick “Request Account” to begin the free registration process.

Once you have an account, you will be able to log in and see the available studies, and the open time slots for those studies. Pick a study and a time slot that works for you, and follow the study-specific instructions to participate.

Take a Course!

You can learn to conduct research in a number of courses including Research Methods I & II, Statistics, Human Cognition, and Human Memory. Research Methods and Human Memory students actually get to do their OWN studies, from start to finish!

Join a Research Team!

Interested in conducting research? You should apply to work on a research team!

  • Usually, applications are considered at the end of each school year for a spot in the lab in the following year. Each professor has a different deadline for their team.
  • Email specific professors for more information about their research team.
  • To work on a research team, it’s helpful to know the basics of statistics and research methods. Some professors require students to take these foundational classes before they can work on a research team. Check with specific professors to see their requirements before applying.

Learn more about faculty research interests
