College of Arts & Sciences

Projected Upcoming Classes

Classes offered every Fall and Spring semester are:

Math 110 Intermediate Algebra, Math 115 Finite Mathematics, Math 128 Topics in Liberal Arts Mathematics, Math 131 Essential Statistics, Math 145 Business Mathematics, Math 151 Precalculus, Math 231 Statistics for Scientists(beginning fall 2024 hopefully), Math 241 Discrete Math, Math 245 Applied Calculus, Math 251 Calculus I, and Math 252 Calculus II.

Classes offered every Fall semester (but not in Spring) are:

Math 120 Concepts Underlying Arithmetic, Math 261 Calculus III

Classes offered every Spring semester (but not in Fall) are:

Math 265 Differential Equations

The Upper Division Math courses are offered on the following schedule:

  Fall Spring


  • 320 Elementary Mathematical Analysis
  • 331 Data Analysis with R
  • 475 Capstone
  •  343 Linear Algebra
  • 341 Combinatorics/Graph Theory
  • 420 Real Analysis
  • 474 Capstone Prep
  • 352 Prob/Stats
  • 382 Number Theory
  • 475 Capstone
  • 381 Geometry
  • 425 Abstract Algebra
  • 450 Complex Variables
  • 474 Capstone Prep
  • 320 Elementary Mathematical Analysis
  • 331 Data Analysis with R
  • 475 Capstone
  •  343 Linear Algebra
  • 341 Combinatorics/Graph Theory
  • 420 Real Analysis
  • 474 Capstone Prep
  • 352 Prob/Stats
  • 382 Number Theory
  • 475 Capstone
  • 381 Geometry
  • 425 Abstract Algebra
  • 450 Complex Variables
  • 474 Capstone Prep
  • 320 Elementary Mathematical Analysis
  • 331 Data Analysis with R
  • 475 Capstone
  • 343 Linear Algebra
  • 341 Combinatorics/Graph Theory
  • 420 Real Analysis
  • 474 Capstone Prep

Other courses may be offered on a tutorial basis.  Please contact a Math faculty member for more information!
