2024 Summer Philosophy Institute

The SoCal Philosophy Academy’s annual Summer Philosophy Institute is a week-long program for local high school students who are interested in discovering philosophy and engaging in philosophical discussions.


  • June 17-21, 2024
  • 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m daily


How to Apply:

  • Apply online by June 7, 2024
  • Cost is $35 (includes daily lunches and copy of texts)


2024 Theme: Political Philosophy

The theme of this year’s institute is Political Philosophy. The institute is non-partisanand seeks to explore how thinking clearly about Political Theory can help mend our fractured polity and civic discourse. 

It is not necessary that students have any previous experience with the subject of philosophy — the institute is intended to introduce students to the discipline and practice of philosophy. Students who do have previous experience with philosophy are welcome as well! The institute will serve them by expanding upon their familiarity with the field of philosophy and further developing their critical thinking and communication skills.

Please direct questions to:

Dr. Brian J Collins


Student Testimonials


Want to learn more? 

VC Star Article
