Faculty Committees
Faculty Committees
In addition, the faculty may from time to time establish other faculty or ad hoc committees as needs arise.
Purpose: The Faculty Senate Executive Committee sets the Faculty Senate meeting agenda,
calls Senate meetings, and conducts Senate meetings.
Responsibilities: The Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC) calls Senate meetings, sets
the Faculty Senate meeting agenda, and conducts Faculty Senate meetings. The Senate
Committee is also responsible for the maintenance and availability of a petition/response
● Holding a minimum of two Faculty Senate meetings each semester of the traditional
undergraduate academic year.
● Publication of Faculty Senate minutes for all faculty review.
● Throughout the academic year and, if needed, summer, maintenance, updating, and publication of a Faculty Senate petition/response chart indicating faculty requests or complaints formally submitted to the Faculty Senate and the action the Senate has taken on such requests or complaints.
Scope of Authority: The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is primarily a coordinating body.
It is elected by the Faculty Senate from its membership, usually on an annual basis,
to conduct
Senate meetings and represent the interests and decisions of the Faculty Senate to
Cal Lutheran
● The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is responsible for creating and distributing,
in a
timely manner, the agenda for upcoming meetings to the Faculty Senate. If agenda items
require additional reading or supplemental materials, those items should also be made
available to the Senate at least seven days before the meeting to allow consideration
to discussion or voting.
● The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is the governance unit responsible for receiving
faculty petitions and questions regarding the Faculty Senate.
● The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is responsible for the maintenance and
publication of a petition/response chart, intended as a means of publicly tracking
Senate progress on initiatives and its responses to faculty concerns.
● The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is responsible for the recording and publication
of Senate minutes.
● The Faculty Senate Executive Committee may recommend the removal of a Faculty
Senator who is not in attendance for three Faculty Senate meetings during an academic
year to that Senator’s academic unit or represented group.
● If a member of the Faculty Senate resigns, goes on leave, or is otherwise unable
to serve
during any semester of their service, the chair of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
will notify the Committee on Committees to direct the election of a replacement member
to serve during the period that the regularly elected member is unable to serve.
Membership: Allowing the Faculty Senate to choose its own executive committee permits the
Senate to consider issues of individual workload, scheduling demands, past governance
experience, and so forth when deciding who shall run its meetings. Thus, the Executive
Committee is elected by the Faculty Senate from within its constituency and consists
of the
following three offices:
● Senate Chair: The Senate Chair sets the agenda for Faculty Senate meetings, chairs
Senate meetings, and sits on the University Council if such is established. The Senate
Chair is primarily responsible for the maintenance and availability of the
petition/response chart. One course release per academic year is associated with this
○ Because the Senate Chair serves in the Faculty Regent’s place when the Faculty
Regent is unable to chair a Faculty Assembly meeting or attend a Board of
Regents meeting (see “Faculty Regent”), the Faculty Regent is not eligible to be
elected to serve as Senate Chair.
● Senate Vice-Chair: The Senate Vice-Chair sits on the university Budget Committee
chairs Faculty Senate meetings in the absence of the Senate Chair.
● Senate Secretary: The Senate Secretary takes minutes during Faculty Senate meetings
and chairs the Committee on Committees (see Committee on Committees for further
information about this role).
Quorum: A quorum for the Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall be two-thirds of voting
members of the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: Minutes of all FSEC meetings shall be distributed to committee
members by the next regularly called meeting. Approved minutes shall be submitted
to the
Committee on Committees and posted electronically for university-wide review. FSEC
submit an annual report to the Committee on Committees at the conclusion of the academic
This report shall be posted electronically for review by interested faculty members.
Summer Work Expectation: Since they take office on June 1, members of the Faculty Senate
Executive Committee may need to meet over summer to prepare meeting schedules for
upcoming academic year. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Chair or a designee
may be
asked to represent faculty over summer.
Purpose: To staff, monitor, and oversee Faculty Committees on campus, and to monitor faculty
members’ committee workloads across campus. As much as possible, the Committee on
Committees seeks to maintain a diverse balance in the composition of committee membership
and ensure equitable distribution of committee work among faculty members.
Responsibilities: The Committee on Committees will:
● appoint the chairs and faculty membership of all Faculty Committees except when
positions are elected by the Faculty Assembly or assigned ex officio;
● oversee and implement the elections for faculty leadership positions (i.e., chair
ART, Faculty Senate);
● appoint and review the status of ad hoc committees and task forces that involve
● monitor and publicly record committee membership for the reference of university
● consider and review proposals regarding the formation or dissolution of committees
task forces proposed by either committees or individuals;
○ refer those proposals to the faculty for a vote when required, or
○ forward proposals to appropriate administrative officers, or
○ return such proposals to the author(s), asking that they be resubmitted after
● collect and preserve minutes and annual reports from all committees;
● hold Faculty Committees accountable for their work.
Annual Deliverables
● Development and maintenance of a continuously updated Committee List that lists all
faculty committees, advisory groups, councils, task forces, and so forth that may
across the university or academic-unit-level faculty governance systems, and their
members. The list must be accessible to all university personnel for reference.
● Development and maintenance of a continuously updated archive of Faculty Committee
minutes and annual end-of-year reports. The archive must be accessible to all university
personnel for reference.
● Annual appointment of faculty to Faculty Committees and to the pool of faculty eligible
to serve on a Grievance Committee. Training for new Faculty Committee chairs will
offered by Academic Affairs in mid to late May.
● Provide to ART, upon request, a record of any faculty member’s Faculty Committee
service, although committee work at all levels of the university counts as faculty
● Review all faculty committees proposed within any academic unit and offer advice
suggestions intended to avoid overlap of responsibilities and overwork of faculty
Scope of Authority: The Committee on Committees is the governing body responsible for the
composition, accountability, and maintenance of the Faculty Committees and task forces.
● The Committee on Committees, chaired by the Secretary of the Faculty Senate Executive
Committee, shall make such rules and procedures as are not inconsistent with the bylaws
and policies of the Senate. A retiring Committee on Committees chair will delegate
of the ConC’s holdover members to call the new Committee on Committees together for
the first meeting until a new Faculty Senate Executive Committee has been chosen and
the new ConC chair takes over.
● The Committee on Committees will make appointments to fill vacancies in university-
level committees and task forces, or to replace committee officers in the event of
resignation, prolonged illness, disability, or dismissal. In making replacement committee
selections, the ConC will consult in confidence with the Faculty Senate, and other
relevant committees, as may be appropriate. A person appointed to fill a vacancy will
take office at once and serve for the full remaining term. The Committee on Committees
will report such replacement appointments to the Faculty Senate and Assembly.
● The Committee shall establish a pool of eligible Grievance Committee members, as
described in the Faculty Policies Handbook under “Complaint and Grievance Procedures:
Procedure for Handling Grievances.”
● Should a Faculty Senator’s seat become open, the Committee on Committees will inform
the impacted academic unit or represented group regarding the replacement and ensure
timely selection (not to exceed 30 days) of a new Faculty Senator.
● When a vacancy in its own membership occurs during the academic year, the Committee
may appoint a member of the faculty to serve the unexpired part of the term.
● The Committee will call for nominees and volunteers from the faculty to fill positions
committees it appoints, but is not obligated to accept any such nominees and volunteers.
Typically, Faculty Committee members are expected to serve the full term to which
were appointed. A faculty member who does not wish to be appointed to a particular
committee holds the responsibility for communicating that to the Committee on
● The Committee will consult in confidence with other committees and, if it so chooses,
academic units, when making appointments, taking into consideration whether new
committee assignments will be overly burdensome for any given faculty member.
● The Committee will not have the power to override or rescind appointments from within
academic unit-level committees, but may take such appointments into consideration
making appointments to Faculty and university-level committees.
Membership: The Committee on Committees will consist of at least five voting members.
● The Committee on Committees will be chaired by the Secretary on the Faculty Senate
Executive Committee. One course release per academic year is associated with this
● The other four members shall be elected by the Faculty Assembly to serve for two
and no member may serve more than two consecutive terms. These elections shall be
held each year as needed, and members shall have staggered terms.
Quorum: A quorum for the Committee on Committees shall be a simple majority of voting
members of the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: The Committee on Committee keeps records for all Faculty
Committees that are required to keep records and provides information to ART upon
The Committee on Committees reports to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and
advise or consult with the faculty governance systems at the academic unit level.
The Committee
on Committee may consult with or advise deans, provosts, and other administrators
as is
appropriate to carry out its duties.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the Committee on Committees may need to meet
over summer to choose committee chairs and make committee assignments for the upcoming
academic year.
Purpose: To maintain and strengthen the academic vitality and professional standards of the
faculty and to maintain the highest standards regarding equal opportunity regulations
Responsibilities: The Appointment, Rank & Tenure Committee will:
● communicate and implement the policies related to ART as they are designated in
sections of the Faculty Policies Handbook;
● represent the faculty in visits with prospective faculty candidates;
● advise the President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs concerning
appointment, promotion in rank, grants of tenure, renewal and non-renewal of contracts,
and extensions of service for all teaching faculty (half-time or more);
● advise the chair of the Board of Regents concerning the appointment and biennial
evaluation review of the President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs of
● participate in the review of all annually contracted teaching faculty.
Annual Deliverables:
● Ongoing participation in the review of faculty dossiers and applications for appointment,
promotion, and/or tenure.
● Ongoing participation in the review of all annually contracted teaching faculty.
● Annual report to President and Vice President of Academic Affairs with
recommendations concerning the appointment, promotion in rank, grants of tenure,
renewal and non-renewal of contracts, and extensions of service for all teaching faculty
(half-time or more).
● Report to the chair of the Board of Regents concerning the appointment and biennial
evaluation review of the President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs of
Scope of Authority: ART must be careful not to adjust or alter the criteria set forth by the
Faculty Handbook by which faculty are evaluated for promotion or tenure by school,
college, or
program. Changes to these criteria must be proposed and approved by the faculty as
per the
guidelines set forth in the Faculty Constitution. ART does have the authority, within
the scope
of the Faculty Handbook, to propose changes to the manner in which, or from whom,
it gathers
data relevant to such evaluation criteria. These proposals must be presented to, and
approved by,
the Faculty Affairs Committee before implementation.
Membership: The committee shall consist of eleven tenured faculty members, at least seven of
whom must hold the rank of full professor, typically elected for a three-year term.
candidates for promotion will be removed from the voting list. Existing ART committee
members who declare their intent for promotion will be replaced for the remainder
of their term.
For the purpose of faculty reviews, ART shall be separated into two functional
subcommittees, each composed of six members, including the ART chair, who shall serve
both. One subcommittee shall be responsible for reviewing second-year and fourth-year
and the other for reviewing promotion, tenure, sixth-year and post-tenure dossiers.
If the
subcommittees’ workloads are unequal, the ART chair shall have the freedom to reallocate
responsibilities. ART shall appoint its members to the two review subcommittees by
making an effort to keep each subcommittee’s membership as broadly representative
as possible.
Subcommittee membership shall be reconstituted each year and as needed due to membership
changes. Tenure denial recommendations will have been reviewed by the full committee,
ART work other than dossier reviews shall be conducted by the full committee.
Election Procedure for ART Chair: The ART chair is elected by the body of ART. The ART
chair shall receive two course releases over the academic year.
Election Procedure for ART Members: Each April, the Committee on Committees (ConC)
presents the slate of those faculty it determines are eligible for election to this
committee. Any
faculty member who will be on sabbatical or other leave during the three-year term,
or who will
be serving on the Faculty Senate during the upcoming year will be excluded from the
1. To ensure the rotation of broad and diverse representation on the committee, faculty
members completing one-, two-, or three-year terms on ART will be excluded from the
ballot for the next one, two, or three years, respectively.
2. In April, the ConC conducts an election of three to four faculty members to serve
year terms on the ART Committee (the number may be more or less in the event that
unexpired term must be filled). Each ranked faculty member shall cast a vote for the
number of candidates equal to the number of positions to be filled on the committee.
3. There will be at least three ballots.
1. The first ballot determines the 18 individuals who receive the most votes. Those
names constitute the slate for the second ballot. In the event of a tie, more than
names may be included;
2. The second ballot determines the nine individuals who receive the most votes.
Those names constitute the names for the third ballot. In the event of a tie, more
than nine names may be included;
3. The third ballot determines the number of individuals needed to fill the vacancies
on the committee. The individuals with the most votes shall be elected.
4. If, at any stage of the voting, the membership requirements of ART (that the
committee contains at least two graduate-program faculty and at least six
undergraduate program faculty, and that it contain at least seven full professors)
are at risk of not being fulfilled, then the names of those faculty who would fulfill
the at-risk requirement and who received the most votes on the ballot from among
all other faculty fulfilling the requirement must remain on the ballot. When an
election is held to select one new member for the ART Committee, the first ballot
shall determine from the slate of eligible faculty, which may be restricted by
program affiliation or rank if necessary to fulfill the ART membership
requirements, the six individuals who receive the most votes. Those six
individuals become the slate of candidates for the second ballot. In the event of
tie, more than six names may be included. The second ballot shall determine the
three individuals who receive the most votes. In the event of a tie, more than three
names may be included. The individual with the most votes on the third ballot
shall be elected to fill a partial term or full term as necessary.
Record Keeping & Reporting: ART is not required to keep minutes or submit an annual report
to the Committee on Committees. ART reports to the University President, the Vice
President for
Academic Affairs, and the Board of Regents as described under Annual Deliverables.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of ART do not normally need to meet over summer.
Purpose: To carry out the University’s policies regarding the protection of the use of human
subjects in research.
Responsibilities: The Institutional Review Board will:
● review all research proposals generated by faculty, staff, students, and outside
for adherence to standards of ethical research practices;
● ensure that all policies and procedures specified Faculty Policies Handbook are applied;
● maintain strict confidentiality of the researchers and their work, and clients and
● The chair of the Institutional Review Board is responsible for following the Code
Federal Regulations Title 45, Public Welfare; PART 46, Protection of Human Subjects,
which can be obtained at http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/policy/index.html.
Annual Deliverables: Ongoing approval or denial of research proposals in accordance with the
committee’s stated responsibilities.
Scope of Authority: The IRB has the authority to review and approve or deny research
proposals in compliance with the standards set forth by Code of Federal Regulations
Title 45,
Public Welfare; PART 46, Protection of Human Subjects. The IRB shall not establish
additional criteria for the approval or denial of research proposals other than those
established by
federal regulations. The IRB is supervised by and reports to the Associate Provost
Experiential Learning, Research, and Faculty Development.
Membership: The committee consists of six voting members, including a chair, nominated by
the Committee on Committees and approved by the Faculty Assembly in three-year, staggered
terms. The members must have varying backgrounds and be sufficiently qualified through
experience and expertise to review research activities commonly conducted by the institution.
There should be diversity among the members, including consideration of race, gender,
backgrounds, and sensitivity to such issues as community attitudes, to promote respect
for its
advice and counsel in safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects. There
must be at
least one woman and at least one man on the committee. The membership consists of:
1. One faculty member from the School of Management;
2. One faculty member from the Graduate School of Education;
3. One faculty member from the Graduate School of Psychology;
4. Two faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences, one of whom will be
the science division;
5. One member who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution and who is not
part of the
immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution.
Quorum: A quorum for IRB shall be two-thirds of voting members of the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: IRB is not required to keep minutes or submit an annual report
to the Committee on Committees.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the IRB may need to meet over summer to evaluate
research applications.
Purpose: To represent the interests of the faculty regarding workloads, working conditions,
salaries, fringe benefits, rules governing promotion and tenure, professional development,
other matters pertaining to faculty welfare.
Responsibilities: The Faculty Affairs Committee will:
● initiate, recommend and evaluate proposals regarding faculty concerns relative to
personnel policies, including workloads and working conditions, salaries and fringe
benefits, and rules governing promotion and tenure;
● assist and encourage the full-time faculty to engage in scholarly activity and creative
work related to their disciplines;
● develop transparent criteria and processes for evaluating candidates for faculty
grants and
awards described below;
● select recipients of grants and awards as described below;
● as needed, review and make recommendations for Faculty Governance Handbook and
Faculty Policies Handbook changes to the Faculty Senate.
Annual Deliverables:
● Allocate sabbatical grants in coordination with Academic Affairs.
● Review recommendations from the Awards and Grants Subcommittee for the allocation
of Hewlett and other grant funds, and approve grant recipients.
● Review recommendations from the Awards and Grants Subcommittee for recipients of
the President’s Award for Teaching Excellence, the Provost’s Distinguished Scholar
Award, and other awards, and approve award recipients or make recommendations to
other parties as specified by the award.
● Review the recommendations of, and approve events and retreat agendas developed
the Faculty Community Subcommittee.
Scope of Authority: The Faculty Affairs Committee makes policy proposals and
recommendations to the Faculty Senate and Faculty Assembly as appropriate or as requested
either of those bodies. The Faculty Affairs Committee reports its decisions on sabbatical
and other grant recipients to Academic Affairs and the University President as appropriate.
Faculty Affairs Committee may develop internal guidelines for prioritizing its various
duties and
charges and communicate those guidelines to faculty and administration as may be necessary.
The Faculty Affairs Committee has the right to refuse a grant or award recipient and
its rationale for that decision back to the Awards & Grants Subcommittee for reconsideration.
The Faculty Affairs Committee has the right to suggest revisions to a recommended
or retreat agenda item recommended by the Faculty Community Subcommittee and send
it back
for reconsideration. In cases of disagreement, the matter may be brought by the Faculty
chair to the Faculty Senate for consideration.
Membership: The committee consists of at least five voting members:
1. In odd-numbered years, the chair-elect is elected directly by the Faculty Assembly
for a three-year term. The faculty member elected as chair-elect will then serve as
chair of Faculty Affairs during the second and third years of the term. For the first
year of
the term, the chair-elect is a regular voting member of the committee.
a. The chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee also sits on the Faculty Senate
as a voting ex-officio member.
b. The chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee, or the chair’s designated
representative from Faculty Affairs, serves a concurrent term on the
university Budget Committee; the chair-elect serves as ex-officio member
of the Budget Committee.
2. Four other faculty members are elected directly by the Faculty Assembly for a
three-year term.
3. Members of this committee must have been full-time members of the faculty for a
minimum of three years and are elected for three-year terms.
Quorum: A quorum for the Faculty Affairs Committee shall be two-thirds of voting members of
the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: Minutes of all Faculty Affairs Committee meetings shall be
distributed to committee members by the next regularly called meeting. Approved minutes
be deposited with the Committee on Committees. The Faculty Affairs Committee shall
submit an
annual report to the Committee on Committees at the conclusion of the academic year.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the Faculty Affairs Committee do not normally need
to meet over summer. Occasional questions may be sent to the chair of Faculty Affairs
Purpose: To administrate faculty grants and awards as requested by the Faculty Affairs
Responsibilities: The Awards and Grants Subcommittee will:
● communicate those criteria and processes to faculty as requested by the Faculty
● solicit applications and nominations from faculty for grants and awards reviewed
by this
● assist in the selection of honorary degree recipients.
Annual Deliverables:
● Review candidates for faculty grants and awards and recommend to the Faculty Affairs
Committee recipients of faculty grants and awards, including the Hewlett grant, the
President’s Award for Teaching Excellence, the Provost’s Distinguished Scholar Award,
and others as requested by the Faculty Affairs Committee.
● Administer annually all grants and awards under the committee’s purview.
● Serve as faculty members on the university’s honorary degree selection committee
Scope of Authority: The Awards and Grants Subcommittee makes recommendations to the
Faculty Affairs Committee.
Membership: The committee shall consist of at least three voting faculty members, including
the chair, nominated by the Committee on Committees and approved by the faculty. Members
will normally serve three-year terms.
Quorum: A quorum for the Awards and Grants Subcommittee shall be a simple majority of
voting members of the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: The Awards and Grants Subcommittee reports its
recommendations and nominations to the Faculty Affairs Committee. Minutes of all Awards
Grants meetings shall be distributed to committee members by the next regularly called
Approved minutes shall be deposited with the Committee on Committees and posted
electronically for review by interested faculty members. Awards and Grants shall submit
annual report to the Committee on Committees at the conclusion of the academic year.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the Awards and Grants Subcommittee do not
normally need to meet over summer.
Purpose: To promote and address issues pertaining to, equity, inclusivity, and access, as they
reflected in the curriculum and faculty of the University.
Responsibilities: The Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee will:
● work with the Faculty Community Subcommittee as needed to help all faculty members
feel represented in the work of the faculty;
● advise curriculum committees as requested;
● support identity-based faculty affinity groups and training programs;
● promote high-quality faculty advising, particularly through the lens of equity and
inclusion, and provide ongoing professional development in collaboration with the
Faculty Community Subcommittee and the Center for Teaching and Learning;
● support the Director of HSI Initiatives in ongoing conversations of climate related
to Cal
Lutheran’s HSI identity;
● consult with Academic Affairs on any equity and inclusion changes to faculty
recruitment, selection, retention, and institutional concerns on matters included
but not
limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, and other identities;
● consult with leaders of faculty/staff training groups (e.g., VetNet, SafeZone, DREAMer
Allies) to ensure there is a component relevant to faculty and classroom delivery
student interaction and develop training and programs specifically for faculty classroom
Annual Deliverables:
● Recruit and train Equity Advocates in consultation with the Equity Leadership Council.
● Conduct annual assessment checks with faculty affinity groups, caucuses, etc., dedicated
to representing the interests of historically underrepresented groups and include
findings in an annual report to be delivered to the Faculty Senate.
● Sponsor or co-sponsor at least one equity and inclusion-related workshop or training
session for faculty each semester.
● Serve as faculty members for the All University Student Hearing Board as may be
Scope of Authority: The Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee reports to the Faculty Affairs
Committee. The chair of the Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee sits on the Faculty
Senate in an
ex-officio voting capacity. The chair’s role is to raise concerns around equity and
access within
the business of the Faculty Senate.
Membership: The committee shall consist of at least four voting faculty members, including the
chair, nominated by the Committee on Committees and approved by the faculty. The Provost
shall serve as an ex officio non-voting member. Members will normally serve staggered
year terms.
Quorum: A quorum for the Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee shall be a simple majority of
voting members of the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: Minutes of all Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee meetings
shall be distributed to committee members by the next regularly called meeting. Approved
minutes shall be deposited with the Committee on Committees and posted electronically
review by faculty. Equity and Inclusion shall submit an annual report to the Committee
Committees at the conclusion of the academic year. Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee’s
report to the Faculty Senate shall be included as a component of its annual report
to the
Committee on Committees to ensure that such report is archived.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee may need to
work over summer to contribute to a faculty retreat or similar event.
Purpose: To strengthen and assess the ongoing faculty community and provide professional
development for full-time and part-time faculty at California Lutheran University.
Responsibilities: The Faculty Community Subcommittee will:
● monitor and improve campus climate and community for faculty, including both
community building and faculty needs;
● promote and oversee professional development programs for faculty;
● collaborate with Equity and Inclusion as needed to ensure faculty feel represented
campus and in campus events;
● promote ongoing professional development in collaboration with the Faculty Community
Subcommittee and the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Annual Deliverables:
● Annual planning and delivery of the August and Winter Faculty Retreats.
● Implement at least two faculty community-building events per semester (e.g., Faculty
Friday socials, family-friendly events, etc.), with financial support from Academic
● Serve as a resource for Campus Community Day.
Other Deliverables, Not Annual:
● Review, with Academic Affairs, the faculty satisfaction surveys to be conducted
three years.
● Analyze and present findings from such surveys to such campus organizations as may
need the information, including the Faculty Senate.
Scope of Authority: The Faculty Community Subcommittee works closely with Equity and
Inclusion Subcommittee and reports event planning schedules and retreat agendas to
the Faculty
Affairs committee for approval. The committee may make specific requests for action
to other
committees, the Faculty Senate, or individual academic units based on the results
of faculty
surveys or data.
Membership: The committee shall consist of at least five voting faculty members, with an
attempt to represent different academic units that have seats on the Faculty Senate
to encourage
inclusive faculty community event planning. All members, including the chair, will
nominated by the Committee on Committees and approved by the Faculty Assembly. Members
will normally serve staggered three-year terms.
Quorum: A quorum for the Faculty Community Subcommittee shall be a simple majority of
voting members of the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: Minutes of all Faculty Community Subcommittee meetings
shall be distributed to committee members by the next regularly called meeting. Approved
minutes shall be submitted to the Committee on Committees. The Faculty Community
Subcommittee shall submit an annual report to the Faculty Senate at the conclusion
of the
academic year. This report shall normally include any requests for action made by
the committee
to another university unit in response to faculty survey data.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the Campus Community Subcommittee may need to
meet over summer to organize and oversee the August Faculty Retreat.
Purpose: To participate in the academic planning and review of Cal Lutheran’s graduate and
professional education programs; to monitor and oversee the quality and character
of Cal
Lutheran’s graduate and continuing education programs; to serve as the locus for faculty
advocacy and oversight of graduate faculty teaching and research, including the development
graduate academic standards; to develop policies regarding graduate degree requirements,
credits, and other matters that pertain to student advancement.
Responsibilities: The Graduate Curriculum Committee will:
● review all proposals for new programs, revisions or discontinuation of existing programs;
● review all proposals for new courses, course modifications or discontinuation of courses;
● review all proposals pertaining to academic aspects of program administration and
● establish policies and procedures for the review and evaluation of program curricula
courses, including academic standards, academic honesty and degree requirements;
● advise the Vice President for Academic Affairs concerning matters that pertain to
strategic goals and policies with regard to academic affairs in graduate and professional
Annual Deliverables:
● Ongoing review of proposals for new programs, revisions or discontinuation of existing
programs; proposals for new courses, course modifications, or discontinuation of courses;
and proposals pertaining to academic aspects of program administration and delivery.
● Development and maintenance of an archive of graduate curricular decisions for the
reference of committee members and other faculty and administrators who may need
such information.
Scope of Authority: All academic units proposing graduate curriculum must submit such
proposals to the Graduate Curriculum Committee. The Graduate Curriculum Committee’s
recommendations require a majority vote of the Faculty Assembly to be approved.
Membership: The committee consists of at least five voting members and two non-voting
advisory members:
1. The chair, a faculty member elected for a three-year term by faculty assigned to
serving programs in the Faculty Assembly. One course release per academic year is
associated with this position.
2. At least four faculty members appointed by the Committee on Committees and approved
by the faculty. Each school of the university that contains graduate programs must
represented by a minimum of one voting member.
3. The Registrar is a non-voting advisory member.
4. The Director of Educational Effectiveness and Institutional Research is a non-voting
advisory member.
Voting members are selected to staggered three-year terms. If necessary, the committee
form ad hoc committees. Ad hoc committees may involve ad hoc members appointed by
chair of the committee. The chair represents the committee at Graduate Council, and
chairs of the ad hoc committees from regular membership of the committee and the ad
committee chair may appoint the remaining ad hoc committee members.
Quorum: A quorum for the GCC shall be two-thirds of voting members of the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: Minutes of all Graduate Curriculum Committee meetings shall
be distributed to committee members by the next regularly called meeting. Approved
shall be submitted to the Committee on Committees and posted electronically for review
interested faculty members. The Graduate Curriculum Committee shall submit an annual
to the Faculty Senate at the conclusion of the academic year.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the Graduate Curriculum Committee Committee may
need to meet over summer; the committee provides coverage for all times graduate schools
are in
Purpose: To review, formulate and recommend university-level guidelines or policies regarding
academic standards and regulations, and to address questions relating to the graduate
Responsibilities: The Graduate Academic Standards committee will:
● review and recommend rules regarding academic standing and other matters pertaining
student performance;
● evaluate and recommend policies concerning academic probation and academic
● receive recommendations from academic programs, schools, academic administration,
from within the committee to clarify guidelines or policies;
● distinguish between program-specific policies and those pertaining to all graduate
schools, and make decisions accordingly. Decisions will be evaluated according to
needs of individual programs and their requirements, especially with regard to external
● look into all matters from a variety of perspectives including those pertaining
to specific
groups of students (e.g., international, domestic), levels (e.g. master’s, doctoral,
certificates), delivery formats (e.g., on-campus, online, hybrid, and field placements),
program locations (e.g., domestic, international), and others, and will consult with
directors of programs or other comparable administrators that represent such special
Annual Deliverables:
● Review petitions to decide borderline and appeal cases concerning exceptions to
academic policies.
Scope of Authority: Student appeals to petitions will go to the Vice President of Academic
Affairs. The Graduate Academic Standards Committee may consult with the Undergraduate
Academic Standards Committee on shared matters of concern.
The committee consists of at least five voting members and one non-voting advisory
1. At least five faculty members, including the chair, are nominated by the
Committee on Committees and approved by the faculty for a three-year term. Unless
particular school chooses to opt out or is unable to fill a seat, all graduate schools
must be
2. The Senior Director of Student Success serves as a non-voting advisory member.
Quorum: A quorum for Graduate Academic Standards shall be two-thirds of voting members
the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: Minutes of all Graduate Academic Standards meetings shall be
distributed to committee members by the next regularly called meeting. Approved minutes
be submitted to the Committee on Committees and posted electronically for review by
faculty members. Graduate Academic Standards shall submit an annual report to the
Senate at the conclusion of the academic year.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the Graduate Academic Standards Committee may
need to meet over summer; the committee provides coverage for all times graduate schools
are in
Purpose: To implement the educational goals of the University undergraduate programs with a
prime focus on academic planning; to determine policies regarding general degree requirements,
courses, credits, and other matters pertaining to the academic achievements of students
that are
not the responsibility of the Undergraduate or Graduate Academic Standards Committees
or the
Graduate Curriculum Committee.
Responsibilities: The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will:
● review and recommend changes in the educational aims and objectives of the University
in light of changes in society, higher education, the faculty, and the student body;
● establish and review guidelines and procedures for granting academic credit for courses;
● review and act on proposals regarding undergraduate curricular programs, course
proposals, and degree requirements;
● review and act on all proposed cooperative programs with other institutions;
● review and act on all proposals regarding international programs;
● review and act on all proposals regarding the design and delivery of online courses.
Annual Deliverables:
● Ongoing review of proposals for new programs, revisions or discontinuation of
existing programs; proposals for new courses, course modifications, or
discontinuation of courses; and proposals pertaining to academic aspects of
program administration and delivery.
● Development and maintenance of an archive of undergraduate curricular
decisions for the reference of committee members and other faculty and
administrators who may need such information.
Scope of Authority:
● Technical Changes: Changes considered “technical,” that is, that do not have
curricular impact, are approved by the department chair and confirmed or rejected
by the appropriate dean of that department’s academic unit, or through whatever
method for such approval has been established within that academic unit (e.g., via
an associate dean, a unit-specific curriculum committee, etc.). Approved changes
are brought to the Registrar for review and implementation without need for
consultation with the UCC or approval of the faculty. In the case of dissent
between department chair and dean, or failure of multiple chairs or deans to agree
upon a technical change, the issue may be brought before the Provost for
negotiation or decision. The Registrar may need to discuss a change with the chair
and dean in the rare cases in which the change cannot be implemented as worded.
In such cases the chair and dean may make the necessary changes or the issue
may be referred to the Provost. Technical changes include:
○ Course title or number changes
○ Minor catalog description updates
○ Cross-listing or de-cross-listing of courses: All affected department
chairs/program directors must approve the change, and all affected deans
will be responsible for ensuring this agreement exists and notifying the
Registrar of the change. De-cross-listing courses does not remove either
course from the university catalog, nor does it affect their Core 21 status,
if such has already been approved.
○ Discontinuation of existing courses: If a course is only required in one
department or program, this decision may be made by the department
chair/program director and the appropriate dean. If the course’s
discontinuation will affect other majors (e.g., due to cross-listing, its use in
a major or minor or as a support requirement in other departments or
divisions, etc.), then all affected department chairs/program directors must
approve the change, and all affected deans will be responsible for ensuring
this agreement exists and notifying the Registrar of the change. The Core
21 Committee, housed in the College of Arts & Sciences with
representation from other Core-serving bodies, does not need to be
consulted for the discontinuation of a course that fulfills a Core 21
○ Other small changes: Any other changes not mentioned here that do not
reflect significant changes to a course’s content. Queries about minor
changes that may fall under this category may be directed to the UCC
chair, and examples may be added to this bullet item as the chair’s
decisions are made.
● New Courses: The department chair/program director and dean are responsible
for determining the merit of a proposed course’s content, assignments, and
readings, and for ensuring that the academic unit can afford to offer the course
before it is brought before the UCC. The department/program and dean are also
responsible for ensuring that the course, when offered, conforms to all necessary
university and accreditation standards, including any required syllabus formats or
language. UCC is responsible for determining whether the proposed course fits in
the university’s broader academic plan, avoids replicating other existing courses,
and whether the course content reflects the faculty’s understanding of what is
appropriate for an undergraduate course of that level (100-400). UCC may query
an obvious flaw in the syllabus but is not responsible for evaluating those
elements of the proposed class that fall under the purview of the chair and dean.
New courses will be subject to a two-week faculty review and will be passed
unless there are objections. Objections will trigger a curriculum vote by the
Faculty Assembly.
● Curricular Changes to Existing Courses: The UCC will review curricular
changes to existing courses. Curricular changes to existing courses will be subject
to a two-week faculty review and will be passed unless there are objections.
Objections will trigger a curriculum vote by the Faculty Assembly. (“Curricular”
changes do not include the technical issues listed above).
● Curricular Changes to Existing Programs: The UCC will review curricular
changes to existing programs. Curricular changes to programs will be subject to a
one-month faculty review and passed unless there are objections; objections go
back to UCC to answer. (“Curricular” changes do not include the technical issues
listed above).
● Discontinuation of Existing Programs: The UCC will review recommendations
to discontinue existing programs. A recommendation to discontinue an existing
program will be subject to a one-month faculty review and will be voted on by the
Faculty Assembly.
● New Program Proposals: Administrative approval to start a new program must
be secured before a new program comes before UCC to ensure that the necessary
resources are available, or will be made available, to support the program.
Recommendations to start a new program will be subject to a one-month faculty
review and will be voted on by the Faculty Assembly.
● Travel and Study Abroad Courses: UCC’s charge is to examine the academic
content only; administrative issues are the purview of the office of the Associate
Provost of Global Engagement. Approval of a travel course is assumed to cover
multiple years, unless such significant class content changes (not itinerary
changes) are made such that it should be considered a new course. The
significance of such changes shall be determined at the discretion of the
department chair and dean.
● Online Courses: UCC shall treat online courses as regular courses with regard to
its review responsibilities, with the understanding that online courses must be
equal in quality to a traditional in-class course.
● Honors Courses: UCC shall treat honors courses as regular courses with regard
to its review responsibilities.
● Core 21 Courses: Proposal for any undergraduate course to fulfill a Core 21
requirement shall go to the Core 21 Committee.
Membership: The full committee consists of at least eight voting members and several non-
voting advisory members:
1. The chair, a faculty member elected for a three-year term by faculty assigned to
undergraduate-serving programs in the Faculty Assembly. One course release per
academic year is associated with this position.
2. At least seven faculty members nominated by the Committee on Committees and
approved by the faculty. Faculty members of this committee must represent a variety
undergraduate schools and divisions within the University, and serve a three-year
The UCC may choose to divide its work among subcommittees drawn from its
membership as it sees fit; however, approval or rejection of proposals requires a
of the full committee.
3. The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of the School of
Management, and the Dean of the School for Professional and Continuing Studies are
officio non-voting members and the Registrar is a non-voting advisory member;
4. The Associate Provost of Global Engagement, the Director of Distance Learning,
and the Director for Teaching and Learning may be called in as non-voting advisory
members by the UCC chair as needed. They shall have access to all proposals sent to
UCC so that they may comment on curricular issues relevant to their programs.
Quorum: A quorum for UCC shall be two-thirds of voting members of the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall maintain a
running list of proposals available to all university faculty. Proposals that require
Assembly vote shall be sent to the Faculty Assembly for electronic vote on a regular
determined by the UCC in conjunction with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
Minutes of all Undergraduate Curriculum Committee meetings shall be distributed to
committee members by the next regularly called meeting. Approved minutes shall be
to the Committee on Committees and posted electronically for review by interested
members. The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall submit an annual report to the
Faculty Senate at the conclusion of the academic year.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee do not
normally need to meet over summer.
Purpose: To formulate and recommend guidelines or policies regarding academic standards and
regulations and to address questions relating to the overall learning environment
of the
Responsibilities: The Undergraduate Academic Standards Committee will:
● review and recommend rules regarding academic standing and other matters pertaining
student performance;
● receive recommendations from academic programs, schools, academic administration,
from within the committee to clarify guidelines or policies;
● evaluate and recommend policies concerning academic probation and academic
● receive nominations for academic honors and awards and recommend actions;
● evaluate and review policies for granting student awards;
● provide faculty with statistical information concerning academic qualifications
various grants, scholarships and financial aid.
Annual Deliverables:
● Establish a petitions subcommittee to decide borderline and appeal cases concerning
exceptions to graduation requirements. This subcommittee must meet every two weeks
during the semester.
● Appoint annually, before the fall semester, an adviser to the Scholastic Honor Society
the university.
Scope of Authority: Student appeals to petitions will go to the Vice President of Academic
Affairs. The Undergraduate Academic Standards Committee may consult with the Graduate
Academic Standards Committee on shared matters of concern.
Membership: The committee consists of at least five voting members and one advisory member:
1. Five faculty members, including the chair, are nominated by the Committee on
Committees and approved by the faculty for a three-year term. The four divisions
of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the School of Management, will be
2. The Senior Director of Student Success serves as a non-voting advisory member.
Quorum: A quorum for Undergraduate Academic Standards Committee shall be two-thirds
voting members of the committee.
Record Keeping & Reporting: Minutes of all Undergraduate Academic Standards meetings
shall be distributed to committee members by the next regularly called meeting. Approved
minutes shall be submitted to the Committee on Committees and posted electronically
for review
by interested faculty members. Undergraduate Academic Standards shall submit an annual
to the Faculty Senate at the conclusion of the academic year.
Summer Work Expectation: Members of the Undergraduate Academic Standards Committee
do not normally need to meet over summer.
- Purpose:
To administer and review the University’s program for the care and use of non-human vertebrates in research and approve IACUC-related projects as needed between review sessions.
- Responsibilities
- Adhere to all regulations in the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook outlined by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), available athttp://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/guidebook.pdf.
- Perform an inspection of facilities used for animal housing, care, or use at least once every six months. Inspections shall be conducted with a quorum of committee members.
- Generate reports detailing any deficiencies found in the inspection and submit to the Institutional Official (IO; the University’s highest ranking officer).
- Review proposals involving live animals in research. The IACUC may approve, deny, or make recommendations for each proposal.
- Review, approve, request modification, or withdraw approval of any activities related to the use or care of animals for research purposes.
- Conduct periodic reviews of IACUC-approved activities covered by OLAW Policies.
- Membership
The IACUC consists of five members not including the IO. Membership includes the committee chair, scientist, nonaffiliated member, nonscientist, and veterinarian or other members as appointed by the IO.- Alternate members: At the IO’s discretion, alternate members may be appointed with a specific one-to-one designation of IACUC members and alternates. An IACUC member and his/her alternate may not count toward a quorum at the same time or act in an official member capacity at the same time. Alternate members should receive training similar or identical to training provided to regular IACUC members.
- Conflict of Interest (COI): IACUC members with a potential COI should notify the Chair and may not participate in the IACUC review except to provide information. Members with a COI may not count toward a quorum and may not vote.
- All members are appointed by the IO in collaboration with the Faculty Executive Committee.
- Committee members shall serve two-year terms.