Loredana Morra Carson, M.P.P.A.
Lecturer/Academic Advisor
Pioneer House
Loredana Carson, M.P.P.A., is a full-time faculty member of the MPPA department and serves as the department Academic Advisor. She also teaches Human Capital Management well as Talent Recruitment and Selection in the MBA program. In addition, she teaches the Foundation courses for all International students in the School of Management, including the MBA program, MPPA program, and MSIT programs. The course (Advanced Academic Practices) focuses on the academic writing and communication skills required by graduate students at the university as well as presenting library research skills and citation style guides. She also teaches the Comprehensive Exam Prep Elective in the MPPA Program and writes and administers the comprehensive exam required for program graduates. She served on the Academic Integrity committee that helped to revise and reframe the academic integrity guidelines for the School of Management, making the policies easier to follow and to implement. In 2016-17, she was a member of Cohort XXII in the Ventura County Leadership Academy. As of 2017-2018 she is the faculty advisor of the campus chapter of PIHRA, a human resource group for professionals. Another facet of her position is that she coordinates noncredit courses for government sector employees in areas related to leadership, ethics, supervisory skill training and other workplace issues.
B.A. Linguistics, UCLA, 1981
MPPA, California Lutheran University, 2011
Ed.D., California Lutheran University, 2020 (expected)
- Education policy
- Higher Education Leadership
- Human Resource Management
- Recruitment and Selection for public and private organizations
- Cross cultural issues pertaining to education and business
- International student success and engagement
- Thesis management
- Noncredit education
- APA style usage and teaching
- Research skills usage and teaching
- Academic advising for student success
- Alumni engagement
- Social networking for student and alumni
- Classroom management
- Student recruitment